Cephalopods of the Northeastern Pacific Ocean?
"Collections of cephalopods from the northeastern Pacific north of 20(DEGREES)N and east of 170(DEGREES)E were examined in order to elucidate zoogeographic patterns for the region. Sixty-four species were identified, including two new species of Gonatus. The distributions of Subarctic and Transitional (including California Current) species are now fairly well understood. Less clearly defined are the distributions of central and equatorial species. This is in great part due to the lower sampling density in those areas."
"In several instances, species have been identified for the first time from North Pacific waters, primarily within the central gyre. Ten pelagic distributional types are defined for cephalopods in this area; most coincide with water masses or portions or combinations thereof. In many cases, good correlation is seen with the work of others on other taxonomic groups. The relative abundance of cephalopods in main water mass types is considered, using diversity and evenness statistics. The central water mass is dominated by Enoploteuthidae, and the Subarctic by Gonatidae. The dominant taxa of the Transition Zone and California Current show a mixture of these two families..."
Source: Dissertation Abstracts Online
This seems as good a place as any to repost Matt+'s comment from StandFirm:
The National Review (print version)
Vol LVIII no.13
July 17, 2006
page: 14
Priceless quote from "The Week":
"Looking down the ranks at the ECUSA bishops who elected her, one cannot help reflecting that bishop Schori's early experience in dealing with invertebrates will prove very useful to her in her new post."
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